Powers of Attorney Lawyer in Yorkville, IL

Yorkville Powers of Attorney Lawyer Serving Kendall County
A comprehensive estate plan will not only focus on how a person's final affairs should be handled after their death, but it should also address the types of care they will receive during their lifetime, as well as how certain types of financial issues should be handled. For those who need assistance with medical or financial concerns due to age, disability, or other factors, powers of attorney can be a beneficial solution. These legal agreements can ensure that a person's wishes will be followed and that someone they trust will be able to make decisions for them when necessary.
At Gateville Law Firm, we know how difficult it can be to leave personal decisions about your life up to someone else. While you may trust a family member or loved one to take care of you, it is understandable to be concerned about giving up authority over important issues. In these situations, we can provide you with assurance that you will be protected, and we will help you craft agreements that will fully address your concerns, ensure that you will be able to make decisions for yourself as long as you are able, and detail how you want certain matters to be handled. We will provide the compassionate guidance you need as you address these matters, and we will help you find solutions that will provide you with certainty that your wishes will be followed correctly.
Understanding Powers of Attorney for Healthcare and Property
A power of attorney gives another person the authority to make certain types of decisions for you. The person you give authority to is typically called your "agent." This individual can be anyone you trust, such as a spouse, family member, friend, or financial professional. You can specify the circumstances in which a power of attorney will go into effect, such as if you become seriously ill and are considered to be incapacitated. By creating a "durable" power of attorney, you can ensure that your agent will speak for you in situations where you cannot make your wishes known to others.
There are two types of powers of attorney:
- Power of attorney for healthcare - This power of attorney allows your agent to address issues related to your medical care if you are incapacitated or unable to communicate your decisions. This includes decisions about treatment, surgery, hospitalization, medications, admittance to an assisted living facility, and other types of care. Your agent will be able to access your medical records, and they may consult with doctors to determine the best course of treatment. You may detail specific wishes about the types of treatment you do or do not want to receive, whether your agent address matters related to your end-of-life care, and any other issues related to your health and wellness that are important to you.
- Power of attorney for property and finances - This power of attorney gives your agent the authority to handle your financial affairs. This includes decisions about bills, investments, banking, real estate, and other types of property. Your agent will be able to access your financial records and make decisions about how your money should be spent. You may provide specific instructions about how you want your finances to be managed, what types of expenditures are allowed, and any other issues related to your money and property.
Contact Our Kendall County Power of Attorney Lawyer
A skilled and knowledgeable estate planning attorney at Gateville Law Firm can help you understand your options and make the best decisions for your future. We will work with you to create a power of attorney that meets your needs and ensures that your wishes will be followed. To schedule a free consultation, contact us today. Call our office at 630-780-1034. When assisting with powers of attorney or other estate planning concerns, we offer flat rates in 99 percent of cases.
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